Corporate Coffee Systems Office Refreshment

champion 15

For a revitalized break room experience, Follett’s innovative ice and water dispenser is up for the task. This dispenser features Chewblet ice, a chewable nugget that chills beverages such as iced co ee, tea, and other drinks. With a high-volume production of up to 100lbs daily, this dispenser perfectly suits o ces up to 75 people.

Features Include:

Drainless - no drain is required.

Attractive - stylish design complements any work space. Sanitary - touchless dispensing is activated by hovering a finger in front of the sensor. Antimicrobial - Agion® silver-based antimicrobial product protection of key ice and water contact components.

UV Light equipped 4.3” touch screen Contains Claris Ion exhange filter 15lbs ice storage


available in two different set ups


Free Standing

Countertop Specifications: 22.50”H x 14.62”W x 22.38”D 95 lbs Voltage: 230/50 ¼" plumbed-in cold water

free standing Specifications: 47”H x 14.62”W x 22.38”D

119 lbs Voltage: 115V/60Hz ¼" plumbed-in cold water

For more information, contact us today! 844.4.THYRST


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